Wow, who knew two months could go by so quickly! I have loved every minute of my time at TFFT, and man has it been busy. From writing blogs to inform our awesome network of supporters what we’re up to, to calling sponsors, to working on the Gala, helping with RIDETZ, to learning and understanding the world of donor databases; I have had a chance to do it all! TFFT not only taught me the inner workings of a non-profit, but also what it really means to have a work family. I can’t imagine having spent my summer anywhere but here (well maybe in Tanzania, but I’ll get there one day!)
When I first found out that both Meghann and Kaitlin were going to be gone in Tanzania this summer I was worried about how much I would actually be doing. But let me tell you, even from Africa Meghann and Kaitlin make you feel important. Maggie and I held down the fort and looked forward to our daily photos of the kids as well as the RIDETZ riders. If those photos aren’t enough to make you fall in love with TFFT and Africa, I don’t know what is.
June was filled with RIDETZ and the database. Between following RIDETZ and entering and editing database information I was quite busy. I was impressed with the huge stack of thank you letters Maggie and I mailed out to the people who donated to RIDETZ. A stack of well over 100 letters shows how amazing all of our riders, their friends and families are.
July came and the entire US team was finally home from Tanzania! It was great getting to spend time with everyone. With July, Gala planning had begun! While I knew a lot of work went into planning the event, I did not realize how much work it actually is! From meeting with committee members to contacting magazines event calendars, we have been on a roll. All this work just makes me even more excited to come back for the Gala in November! SAVE THE DATE – Friday, November 7th! Charlotte, NC – 8th Annual S.O.S Gala
A highlight this summer was having Kona Bourne visit the office. Kona wanted all the attention, but when it came to taking photos, she would not sit still. The best pictures I got were ones of her walking away or turning her head away from me. It was all fun and games until she ate Meghann’s mom’s lunch…but that’s okay Kona we still love you!
After our last “official” day, Meghann took Maggie and I out to dinner to celebrate the summer. While we missed having Kaitlin and Kelly with us (Kaitlin was a little busy getting ready to get married), we had a lot of fun. I have had the best summer working with this group and I definitely will miss seeing everyone’s faces each day. But don’t worry; this is not the last you will see of me!