February 7, 2017
The Foundation for Tomorrow invited the parents and guardians of our scholars to a Caregiver’s Forum in the end of January. Forty-six guardians and the TFFT team came together to discuss various issues around the ongoing holistic care for our scholars.
The main message has been that it is important for our scholars to know where they come from, what is happening in their families, and that their parents and extended families are still there for them when they leave home to go to school. The connection between a child and their family is very important, and when a child is away at boarding school and under the care of TFFT, the family’s responsibility to their child must not waiver.
Our Scholarship and Mentoring Program Manager, Stephen, spoke of the importance of ongoing responsibilities of the guardian as detailed in the scholarship agreement signed by a scholar’s guardian and TFFT. Madam Salha, the Manager of one of our partner schools, invited parents to be a part of their child’s school community. She pointed out some of the guardians she knew well, and held them up as role models. Our Psychosocial and Health Program Manager, Hedwiga, encouraged guardians to approach her about becoming part of our livelihood program. I spoke briefly about the positive effect on a child who knows that their parents care for and love them. Viola encouraged the audience to take part in open school days, to talk to teachers about their child’s progress, to be part of graduation celebrations, and to go to academic progress days.
Other practical responsibilities that the guardians were encouraged to ensure included bringing children on time to school at the beginning and end of each term, contributing what they can to everyday items, maintaining discipline while on school holidays, taking children for medical checkups during holidays, and supporting children to go to tutoring during school breaks.
Our Caregiver Forum helped us to become more organized and better connected. Our guardians formed groups depending on geographical areas and identified a leader. This will help with communication and formation of teams for livelihood loan purposes. We have a long connection ahead so these forums are a wonderful way of building shared visions and a stronger TFFT family.