Mat 10, 2016
In the month leading up to RIDETZ, we will introduce the wonderful, enthusiastic people who make up 2016’s team of adventurers. This way, you can learn about the riders before they leave, and then you can follow along on our blog for updates on their journeys as we post throughout the ride! They take off on June 18th for this once in a lifetime experience. Today, we are thrilled to introduce our amazing photographer, Nate Kaiser.
1. Where are you from?
My name is Nate Kaiser. I, along with my lovely wife Jaclyn, have been a full-time professional wedding and portrait photographer since 2002. I am a father to two amazingly challenging and inspiring children: my twelve-year-old daughter, Grace (who hopes to join me on a future RIDETZ someday!), and my eight-year-old son, Jasper. I was born and raised in Southern California, but after a few tastes of the midwest, we decided to move away from the west coast and relocate to Nashville, TN last year. I spend the majority of my time traveling to photograph weddings all over the country/world, shooting and developing black and white film at home, and riding bikes.
2. What do you do for work?
I am a professional wedding and portrait photographer, and I’ve somehow managed to make a living for 14 years showing up to people’s weddings and homes with cameras.
3. What do you like to do in your spare time?
Hike and explore this whole new city and region we’ve moved to, ride my bike, and shoot film of the ordinary and extraordinary bits of day-to-day life.
4. Who is your inspiration in life?
I’m not sure I could name a single source of inspiration. I’m personally most inspired by anyone who lives for anything bigger than themselves, most particularly when that also impacts others. This is why the whole TFFT team inspires me greatly, and why I’ll happily travel any and all miles needed to spend with them.
5. How did you hear about RIDETZ?
I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to meet Meghann back in 2013. I say lucky because anyone who’s met Meghann can attest to the fact that she’s truly the very best and most inspiring kind of person you could ever hope to meet. Through meeting Meghann, I was also fortunate enough to meet Kaitlin and through the two of them, I was introduced to TFFT and RIDETZ and their inspiring vision for education in Tanzania. The ‘decision’ to donate my time and talent to RIDETZ really wasn’t much of a decision at all, more like just crossing my fingers and toes and hoping that I would be invited to photograph such an amazing journey back in 2014. Of course, when I was approached with the opportunity to document TFFT’s work, I jumped at the chance! A trip like RIDETZ is something I’ve dreamed of for years and longed for in my heart, and then all of the sudden, everything and everyone aligned. Lo and behold, everything I could have ever hoped to do was all just waiting for me to jump into!
6. What inspired you to ride this June?
The ten days I spent on RIDETZ in 2014 and the week in TZ prior to the ride photographing the work of TFFT was quite possibly my favorite time of my life, so saying I’m ‘inspired’ to ride again in June is an understatement. Put me on a plane tomorrow!
7. Are you celebrating any milestone with TFFT?
Well, I suppose RIDETZ 2016 being my second ride is a bit of a milestone. The fact that two years after my first RIDETZ, my legs still work well enough to move me on a bike counts as a personal milestone :).
8. What is your favorite place to ride? (Besides Tanzania, of course!)
Luckily enough, when I hop out my front door and onto my bike, within 10 minutes, I’m on pristine two-lane country roads that stretch for endless miles. Absolute bliss…not quite riding in TZ bliss, but pretty close.