October 29, 2015
Today we are in for a treat! One of the TFFT Scholars, Richard Augustino, wrote a heartfelt and inspiring piece offering encouragement and advice to his fellow TFFT Scholars and expressing gratitude to TFFT’s wonderful supporters. Currently, Richard is completing his last year of secondary (high) school, and his dream is to be a computer science engineer. We would like to share some of his thoughts with you, because you make TFFT’s work possible. In doing so, you give all of our scholars meaning and purpose. You provide them with the opportunity to dream big and to create their own success.
The full speech was lengthy, so we are including excerpts below.
My name is Richard Augustino. I am happy that TFFT, including sponsors, have realized that today’s children will become tomorrow’s civilization. Bringing a child into the world today is a bit like dropping one into a tiger’s cage. Children can’t handle their environment and they have no real resources. They need love and help to make it. I do believe that TFFT and all other people they work with want us to make it. Remember that a child cannot survive if he does not have his feet put on the way to survival. Thank you, TFFT, for ensuring that we have a strong foundation, education for our bright future.
What makes my life meaningful is having my own dreams. I do believe that it doesn’t matter who I am, but what I will be in the future. What ignites my self-belief is the belief that TFFT has in me. Through the opportunity they have given me, I can dream big, think big, and bring big impact to make a difference.
Richard would love to obtain a university degree in the United States, yet he also strives to give back to his community and honor where he comes from. He measures his success based on his ability to do this.
I will not consider myself successful unless I establish a college in my community to make Information Communication Technology (ICT) courses available to the community I live in. [I believe that] in the world of today, no one can do without ICT. This is a big change that I will have to make in my community. I am full of these big dreams because TFFT has believed in me and supported me throughout my education.
Richard keeps his sights set on the future, focusing on his goals. He emphasizes the importance of self-discipline and takes initiative to turn his dreams into reality.
Through the help TFFT gives me, I realize my capabilities and am able to unlock them.
We should understand that TFFT has high expectations for us. This should make us set big goals to make their expectations happen.
You were created with natural abilities and an internal compass that guides you toward a particular focus for your life. TFFT is working hard to ensure that you are able to unleash your potential. Set yourself a goal and dedicate yourself 100% to it. It is your goal that makes you understand why you are in school. Each one of you should know what he/she wants to do after schooling. It is your goal that will inspire you to work hard and work smart for success in life.
John F. Kennedy said, “The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.” So don’t wait till the sunset. Be careful on how you use your time.
Thank you, TFFT supporters, for the great love and care you provide to all of our scholars. Richard and his fellow scholars have the resources for success because of you. Richard will be the first TFFT Scholar to attend university. He will apply to schools soon and has his sights set on attending a U.S. school. We’re all cheering him on!