The beautiful photos featured in this post were taken by our incredible photographer for RIDETZ, Nate Kaiser, from The Image Is Found Photography. We’ll also be featuring him on our blog tomorrow!
It is always good to be back in Tanzania! I’ve been here for just over two weeks now, and in that time I have reconnected with our team, seen old friends, taken care of last minute RIDETZ preparations, and squeezed the TFFT kiddos too many times to count. Tanzania’s starry sky and Uswege and Deo’s smiling faces greeted me at Kilimanjaro Airport when I arrived. It was a Friday night, and I was happy to have the weekend to settle in. Melissa called and invited me to lunch at her house the next day. Chloe and TFFT scholar (and now intern) Violet joined as well. We caught up on life over Melissa’s delicious home-cooked meal. It reminded me again that TFFT is a family.
As my first week in the office began, I focused on finalizing the logistical details of the next few weeks. We would soon welcome and host a videographer, a photogrpher, twelve RIDETZ riders, and two sponsors to see our work. It’s safe to say that as thrilled as I was to be reunited with the team, I came in like a tornado disrupting their normal rhythm! Meetings and interviews and headshots and special permissions for filming at school and many long days driving and trips to the airport and on and on… but they welcomed my crazy with big smiles and worked with me to make the arrangements I needed. It reminded me again that TFFT is a team.
I wrapped up the week picking the incredible Tyler Wohlford of Halle Project up from the airport. Halle Project is an amazing film production organization that works with organizations, ministries, and missionaries to help push forth the good work they are doing. We are so fortunate to have Tyler here to document TFFT’s work on video!! He is a true artist, and it has been an honor to work with him. It reminded me that the stories of our scholars are the heart and soul of TFFT.
Nate Kaiser of The Image Is Found arrived shortly after Tyler. Nate is a brilliant photographer, whose work I have admired for years. This trip has been a year in the making for Nate, and having him here to make portraits of our scholars and document RIDETZ still seems too good to be true. So far Nate has made portraits of our team and the TFFT scholars. Soon he will be the first-ever RIDETZ photographer to both ride and photograph the ride… more on that later! It reminds me how I fell in love with TFFT in the first place.
Just last night we greeted the first four riders and also two sponsors at the airport. Their giddy energy upon arrival–even after such a looooong journey–was infectious. I can’t believe we’re really here!! We made it! This is real!! It’s all happening! Excitement and anticipation hung in the air. We are on the cusp of an adventure. It reminds me of the magic of Tanzania.