Saturday June 15, 2013 was one of my happiest days at work. Typically, Saturday is not one of the official working days at TFFT, but sometimes because of the nature of our work–love and dedication to improving the lives of vulnerable Tanzanian young ones–we have to work.

This was a day which our Star High School Form Two and Form Four scholars were reporting back to school after a two-week break.

After we got them to school, we drove back to Arusha together with three Star High School teachers who were sharing with me some stories about one of our best performers at the school, who was also the 2010 RIDETZ champion, Richard Augustino. “…Richard is an amazing young man, he is well disciplined, humble and hardworking, every teacher at the school likes him, TFFT is doing a great job supporting a boy like Richard…” says Mr. Peter-Mathematics Teacher at SHS.


This information made my heart jump for joy, but also made me curious to hear the remaining part of the story. Teacher Peter then continued… “I have no doubt that Richard is going to get an A in his National Form Four math exam, I feel great teaching him.”

For sure, a testimony like this did not only make me happy, but also renewed my dedication, love and passion to work for these amazing talented young ones. As King Solomon says in Proverbs 10:1,…“A wise son brings joy to his father, but a foolish son grief to his mother.

Mr. Sanga, SHS English teacher who was also with us in the truck had a word for Richard too, this is what he said…”Richard is a wonderful student, he is not selfish, he helps others who struggle with math during his preparation time. He also acts as a mentor to his fellow students. Sometimes he sits with naughty students and advises them a good way to go, and most of them change their ways. All of our students listen and respect him so much, with God wishes, he will accomplish so much in his life because of his good character.


Why do we share all this information about our scholars? It is because we want all of you who in one way or another support TFFT to know the impact you make on Tanzanian young people. Know that whatever you do for TFFT touches and transforms somebody’s life here on the ground. Through our scholarship program these young men and women attend the best schools in the country and get all necessary educational support, the full circle program to equip them with life skills, education including but not limited to character building, and quality teachers who are equipped with necessary modern teaching and learning skills because of the Teacher Training Program.

Here is what Richard himself wrote to us few days ago…

“I have written simply to give my thanks to you for helping me in crossing the bridge between me and my success. You have constructed a bridge which has made me be able to be near my success…I promise not to let you down…God bless you all”

Love, Richard!

See the rest of Richard’s letter here:

