So I am sitting in the my office this week playing catch up, getting excited about all 2013 has to offer, and truly most of all, diving in deep to all that the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos has to offer. Researching who’s attending, what sessions I want to attend, what type of people I have the potential of meeting/running into–the possibilities are electric! Think: two full days of Global Shaper focussed work with the other 49 Shapers from around the world, then 4 more days of 14+ hours of intellectual overload hearing from the likes of Jeffrey Sachs (Earth Institute/Columbia University) and Michael Elliott from ONE talking about “Shaping the Post-2015 Development Agenda”, then we get to hear “Insights with George Soros,” even the CEO from World Vision and CEO of The United Nations Foundation will be there talking about “How women and girls can be empowered to catalyze progress on core development goals,” I can’t wait for the sessions on “NGOs as New Models for the 21st Century,” “Experiencing Mindful Leadership”, “Investing for Impact”, “Pathways to a Sustainable Future”, “The Arab Word Context”, “De-risking Africa”… and I haven’t even listed a 1/4 of the sessions I am choosing to attend. It’s insane the wealth of  knowledge, global perspective, and excitement for understanding that will fill this little Swiss town January 20th-26th! Industry Leaders will unite to collaborate on ways to improve the global economic situation through what the World Economic Forum (WEF) is calling “Resilient Dynamism.” Bold plans for future action will be put in place, and I get to witness history!

I see this as an incredible opportunity to meet and learn from world leaders, innovators, and experts from a variety fields: from Presidents, to Prime Ministers, academics, scientists, artists, journalists, N.G.Os and C.E.Os. This is also an opportunity for me as a Global Shaper to share my insight, passion, and drive on how to make this world a better place, how to use education as a tool in the developing world and bring confidence to those who have done it that there is an ambitious generation chomping at the bit, already making moves for a better tomorrow! Yesterday, another Shaper going to Davos (Narkis Alon from the Tel Aviv Hub) motivated and excited me with her Huffington Post Blog about our generation’s social responsibility and young adults “Being the Bridge.” I am ready – y’all jump on board! This is just the first of many blogs I will write to document this experience. As Narkis put it “We are still hungry. To move, to create, to change.” Thrilled to do so with so many talented and engaged people at Davos!

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