Sorry it’s been so quiet around here! Life with TFFT has been a bit hectic lately (it always is this time of year), but that’s no excuse for the blog silence. If we can bike 400 miles in rural Tanzania and still manage to give you blog updates, the hustle and bustle of our fall events shouldn’t get in the way!


Before everyone gets completely wrapped up in Thanksgiving and we move on to the final prep for the Annual Fall Cocktail Benefit in NYC, we wanted to make sure we set aside some time to revel in the splendor that was the 6th Annual S.O.S Gala.

The excitement started on Thursday night when the iconic Duke Energy Center lit up Charlotte in red and yellow to support TFFT. This was Maggie Boorman’s brilliant idea.

The event day itself was a whirlwind, but thankfully we had an incredible committee that dedicated countless hours to event preparations both on the day of and for months in advance. At last, everything came together flawlessly, and the guests started to arrive.

Everyone enjoyed cocktail hour and had fun bidding on our silent auction with our text-to-bid technology.

Then we all gathered together for a seated dinner at tables named after our TFFT kiddos.

Meghann spoke about how 6 years ago she stood in front of a room full of people and confidently proclaimed that she was going to change the world. She said that as naïve as she may have sounded at that time, 6 years later she remains strong in her conviction.

TFFT IS changing the world. Together, we are changing the world. It is happening before our eyes. One child and one classroom at a time. TFFT’s programs are blossoming, and the kids are thriving. We are shaping individuals and empowering them to change the world. Just by reading this post YOU are a part of the force responsible for that change.

Remember Gretchen and Michael from RIDETZ? Well they came down from Chicago, and Gretchen spoke at the event.

Gretchen encouraged the guests to look past the limitations that we tend to fixate on and to instead consider the tremendous possibilities that exist in our lives.

Then it was time for the live auction, and Mr. Perry served as our auctioneer.

Finally we moved into the live “GIVE” portion of the night, and people raised their paddles in support of our Teacher Training program. In fact, thanks to this event, TFFT’s Teacher Training program for 2013 is fully funded!!! WOW.

We could just stop here and shout from the rooftops that this was by far our most successful event to date. Hip hip hooray!! What really struck us most, however, was the way this event has evolved and grown in tandem with TFFT. This event is an annual celebration of TFFT’s accomplishments and the individuals who make those accomplishments possible. It is our chance to invite TFFT’s nearest and dearest to gather together so that we can express our gratitude and keep the momentum alive. Over the past six years TFFT has accomplished quite a lot, and the caliber of the S.O.S Gala has mirrored these successes: the group has grown, the sophistication of the event has increased, and the funds raised have doubled.

Working with TFFT on an everyday basis is kind of like parenting a small child. You tend to quickly notice the challenges and don’t always stop to notice the signs of progress and development. In this example, the SOS Gala is like the fun aunt who only sees your kid once a year and greets him with “Oh, how you’ve grown!” and “Look how smart you are!” and “I remember when you were born!” In other words, this event offers a wonderful chance for reflection. It is humbling to think back through the years and consider everything that has happened and everyone along the way who made it happen.

Joan Hornig, one of our biggest supporters has coined the term “philanthropy is beautiful.” The 6th Annual S.O.S Gala guests proved this. On November 9, 2012 the Foundation For The Carolina’s space filled with the warmth of The Foundation For Tomorrow. The space overflowed with the spirit of philanthropy, and everyone had that extra glow.

We’ll end this post with an enormous thank you to our corporate sponsors who helped us completely underwrite the event… meaning every dollar raised in ticket sales, silent and live auction contributions, and donations made before and during the event will go directly to TFFT programming. Thank you Sonic, SPX, Bourne Investments, and Bridgewater Capital!

Thank you also to everyone on the planning committee, Mandi of Dry Ink Designs for all of the graphic design work on the invitation and program, the Myers Park High School and Country Day TFFT club members for volunteering, Party Blooms for the gorgeous flowers, all our auction donations, The Boomers for livening the evening with great music, Perry’s Estate Jewelry for your continued partnership, Foundation For The Carolinas for the stunning space, Best Impressions for delicious food, Eastern Sun Communications for helping with all our AV needs, Allegra Southend for managing our major printing needs, and UPS for saving the day with last minute printing needs!
