Hello our dearest readers!

It’s the Scholarship Program again on blog.

Usually my program updates are about what’s going on at school, but this time you get to learn how our kids spent their break. Being back home very exciting for our kids after they had three intensive months of study at school — busy every day with books, assignments, tests, educational trips, and sports to mention a few. After all this activity it’s obvious that they needed time to relax and and get to see what is going on outside school, so they went home for a one month break.

It is TFFT’s culture to make sure that whenever our kids are out of school they do not stay idle, so we find something they can do to keep them as active as they were in school, although this is done without compromising the real purpose of them having a break. TFFT hires qualified tutors to provide special tuition program to some of our kids who struggle in certain areas in their subjects. This program helps our kids catch up with others and the syllabus without being left behind, and this is purposely done to make sure that each kid gets to the maximize their potential; therefore, a careful analysis is done to identify those who need some extra help in their academics, and they are matched with tutors who are also carefully selected according to specific standards agreed by TFFT.

In addition to academic issues we also make sure that we help develop whatever talent our kids have by enroling them in different programs to learn more about their talents as it was put clear in the recent Full Circle program’s blog… some do beading, some are good in gymnastics, others are good drawers, all these things are being taken with equal weight, encouraged and developed to as higher level as we can.

Having smaller kids in our program is one of the most interesting things with TFFT, as we can evolve in response to the way the kids grow from one stage to another since when they joined our program. During this break I had some opportunities to visit the foster homes and children centers where our kids stay during break, and I found them happy enjoying their break. Among the things I noticed during my visitation is that our kids are very good at putting into action what we encourage and teach them to do through life skills sessions in the Full Circle program, Can you imgine a five year kid taking care of the younger kid at a center by helping feeding her? Well, that is what is happening when our kids put theory into practice during their break time!


Our kids are now done with their break, and we just took them back to school to start their third term of this year. Everybody in the office here on the ground has been planning for the kids to go back to school, purchasing school supplies, and getting together whatever our kids will need in the next three months at school to make sure that they are well taken care of and have the best term in school. So get ready for the “back to school blog” soon.

(Thank you Deb Schwedhelm & friends for donating these back-to-school essentials!)

Till next time, tchaooo!
