September 13, 2017
We are thrilled about our new Team TFFT website, which makes it possible for both individual and group fundraisers to support TFFT in improving access to quality education through athletic endeavors. We’ll be sharing more soon, and today, we are excited for you to meet Kieran, one of Team TFFT’s athletes. He is a freshman in high school, and his story for why he supports TFFT is inspiring. If you are interested in joining Team TFFT, please email us at support (at) teamtfft (dot) org. RIDETZ 2018 is also open for registration!
Where are you from?
I was born in Chicago, but Charlotte has been home for most of my life.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I love to run, bike, and swim, as well as hang out with friends and family. I also love to go fly-fishing and snowboarding.
Who is your inspiration in life?
I have a lot of inspirational people in my life but my biggest two are probably my parents. I admire them for their incredible work-ethic and sheer determination.
What inspired you to support TFFT?
I have been involved with TFFT for a long time, at first because of my family. My mom has been volunteering with TFFT for as long as I can remember and she kind of pulled me into their network. I have always believed in the organization’s mission to provide quality education to vulnerable kids in East Africa. When I was in fifth grade I remember a donation my parents made to TFFT’s Full Circle Program. Being raised in a competitive family, I immediately tried to top them. I donated money that I received for my birthday to the Full Circle Program and met with Kaitlin Rogers Perez to learn more about what my donation meant. Ever since, I have been involved with TFFT in various ways.
Tell us a bit about yourself, such as where you go to school, cross country, and how you decided to start a profile for Team TFFT?
I am currently 14 years old and a freshman at Weddington High School. I’ve been running for nearly half of my life. I ran on the cross country and track team in middle school and decided to keep that going in high school. The mileage is a lot more and the workouts are difficult, but cross country is a great sport that allows for many incredible opportunities. This June I got braces put on, and as many people know, they are expensive. My mom is tough about gratitude, understanding privilege, and having perspective. After a “discussion” explaining needs vs. wants, she threw down a challenge. She said yes to the braces, if I agreed to raise $5,760 (the full amount of the braces) for the non-profit of my choice. I accepted the challenge and am now fundraising for TFFT throughout my 2017/2018 XC season. I’m excited to see if I can hit my goal and help TFFT scholars have the same opportunities that I’ve been given.