Hello! We are so excited to have one of our TFFT Scholars, Nicemary Felix, write a blog post for you all today! Nicemary has been involved with an organization called JUST BE WITH US. The organization works to provide awareness of HIV/AIDS through planting trees and educating others more about the disease. Read Nicemary’s post below to learn a little more about this awesome community service project she has put so much of her heart into…

JUST BE WITH US — An essay by TFFT Scholar, Nicemary Felix

JUST BE WITH US is an organization that we started in July of 2014. We came up with the name JUST BE WITH US because we want to do good for different people from around the world.

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JUST BE WITH US has been doing different projects and working with government schools and different organizations to plant trees, as well as educate others about HIV/AIDS. One of TFFT’s partner orphanages, Matonyok Parents’ Trust, is one of many of the schools that we plan to plant trees and teach others about HIV/AIDS at.

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The Foundation for Tomorrow has helped JUST BE WITH US through its support with helpful pieces of advice on how to expand the organization into doing more projects in different locations.

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We are looking for more volunteers to help with the activities that we have been doing from simply helping us to plant trees, to helping us teach about HIV/AIDS in the community.

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Our current goal is to reach more than 20 schools in the Arusha area of Tanzania. With our goal, optimism, and perseverance we feel JUST BE WITH US is on the way to becoming a huge success.
