Impact 2025-02-06T17:40:09+00:00


By the numbers


Current Scholars




Partner Schools


Parents trained in Positive Parenting


Teachers trained


Students impacted through Teacher Training

Tanzania has one of the World’s youngest populations, with 45% under 15 years old.
— 2016 World Bank Data

A 2014 UNESCO report states that there are 2 million out of school children in Tanzania.

Quality education transforms lives.

The Foundation For Tomorrow’s goal is to create lasting change across the nation of Tanzania by powering the potential of the students, teachers, and communities that our programs serve. To generate impact, we offer orphan and vulnerable children the opportunity to succeed through access to quality schooling, health and psychosocial support, and life skills programs. We’re passionate about combating vulnerability through the power of education.

2021 Quarterly Impact Reports

Meet Richard

Richard is an exemplary role model, diligent worker, and top-notch student.  Having joined TFFT as a scholar at the age of nine, Richard has always shown a passion for learning, as well as a single-minded focus to achieve his life’s dreams. Throughout his education, Richard’s aspiration was to attend university in the United States, planning to study computer science. In 2016 he did just that, traveling on an airplane for the first time in his life, crossing the world, landing in Seattle, and now attending Seattle Central College. Richard has not only served as an inspiration to our scholars and his classmates, but has always shown great kindness and a willingness to help others through peer mentorship.

Meet Agness

Agness’ story is one of challenge and triumph. Agness joined The Foundation For Tomorrow from a school located in a small town outside of Arusha. She was 16 at the time and had no knowledge of English, the language used for all secondary school classes.

Needless to say, Agness’ educational path was not an easy one. Her first year at Usa River Academy was marked with the hurdles of English comprehension, as well as difficulties of classwork. Adding to Agness’ challenges was that she became pregnant in that first year of school—having been committed to and forced to sleep with a man who had paid a bride price for her.

Not willing to give up on Agness despite these challenges, TFFT helped Agness to find the path that was right for her. A new school was found for her to attend post pregnancy and a vocational track was encouraged after Form 4. Agness completed her O-Levels and trained in tailoring and beading, skills which she loved and excelled at.

Today, Agness now has a thriving tailoring business, that creates Vitenge bags that are sold throughout Arusha. She has also been successful in securing steady streams of business from several NGOs who distribute her goods at international conferences and events. Agness has diversified her skill set, trains and employs others, and has grown her business through the addition of new sewing machines, designs, and products.

The triumph of Agness’ story is one of success, both personally and professionally. Rather than being marginalized by life’s challenges, Agness has become a success. She has been able to build a house for a daughter and herself, and is a well-respected member of her community. TFFT is so proud to tell Agness’ story as a brilliant example of the spirit of perseverance, as well as TFFT’s commitment to students, their value, and the promise of each child.

2020 Quarterly Impact Reports